I am aware that our Easter THS is not yet showing in Out and About. Partly my fault and partly due to the fact that the Club requires you to tell them about it before the year began!
We have however booked a meet at Woolsbridge Manor Farm, BH21 6RA from 2pm on the 14th April until 4pm on the 24th April.
The cost is £17.50 pun + £5 pun for electric hook up. The site will charge for day visitors.
This is a booking only meet and bookings are being taken by Paul & Linda our stewards on 07842342015, paulstudzinski@icloud.com . A £25 deposit is required per booking. We only have 20 pitches available and 1 of them is not electric. Please contact Paul to ensure you are one of the lucky 20!
Kevin H