Category Archives: News

2022 fixtures – stewards needed.

Here are our fixtures for 2022. A couple not confirmed but Wallingford is despite what it might say. The meets were well attended this year so I have only made a couple of changes. Perhaps more in 2023? I need stewards however for any of these meets to take place. Please let me know which meets you would be prepared to steward. Full instructions will be given if you have not done it before and we do need new blood! Please email me at or call me on 07974830123.
I need volunteers for the first 3 meets quite urgently please.

25th March – 27th March
Swiss Farm, Henley

14th April – 24th April
Woolsbridge Manor Farm, Three Legged Cross. Booking essential
BH21 6RA

28th April – 3rd May
Somerley Lakes, Ringwood
5day meet
BH24 3PF

12th May – 16th May
White Mark Farm, Watlington
4 day meet
OX49 5AF

27th May – 6th June
Pierrepont Farm, Tilford
GU10 2DL

17th June – 19th June
Wellington Country Park

1st July – 3rd July
4 Kingdoms Adventure & Farm Park, Headley.
RG19 8JY
Stewards Kevin & Portia

8th July – 10th July
Church Paddock, Cookham

15th July – 17th July

22nd July – 31st July
Paddock View, Cadnam
SO40 2NZ

12th August – 29th August
Wellington Country Park

2nd September – 4th September
Lockey Farm, Arborfield.

9th September – 11th September
Westfields Farm, Medmenham

16th September – 25th September
Abingdon Vale Cricket Club
OX14 3HP

30th September – 2nd October
Bridge Villa, Wallingford.
Booking essential
OX10 8HB

RCBDA Skittles Evening 29th January 2022

After Christmas we thought we would organise something for the adult members.  (I won’t say grown ups, as some of us still have a way to go!)
A Skittles Evening has been booked at Pinewood Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road, Wokingham, RG40 3AQ.
We have exclusive use of the skittle room but share the bar which is in an adjacent room. Plenty of parking but no camping.
Please arrive for 6.30pm, skittles will start at 7pm and food will be served at 8pm.
It will cost £16 per head and this will include skittles and a choice of the following:-
  • Meat Lasagne
  • Chicken Curry
  • Vegetarian Lasagne
Salad and French Bread is included
Numbers are limited to 40 so please get your booking in quickly.
Please confirm your booking to me, with your choice of meal and pay the DA, account number 57394868, sort code 30 98 97 and show your surname followed by skittles as the reference.

Urgent – stewards needed

It is disappointing, but I have to ask for stewards please.

We need volunteers for the second week at Wellington Country Park and also the last five days at Abingdon. The good news is you will camp for free whilst you are stewarding and you will be giving something back to the DA that you clearly love? Without referees you can’t have football matches and without stewards you can’t have DA meets!
We might be able to muddle through at Welly but Abingdon will need to be cancelled or shortened without volunteers.
If you can help please drop me an email and let me know. You know it makes sense!

Kevin Heaver

Goulders Farm – Booking now open

In line with COVID restrictions, we are operating all our events as booked meets. To book you will need to complete and submit the form below. 

Please note there is a maximum of 25 units permitted.  The booking form will be closed when that number is reached.

Wellington Country Park June meet – booking form

In line with COVID restrictions, we are operating all our events as booked meets. To book you will need to complete and submit the form below.